Comments policy

Comments on this blog are moderated before publishing. I like the phrase "moderated", conveying as it does the much-needed calming process demanded by the fevered ravings of the online community. Here at Always Hope most comments pass through the net quite easily, but as traffic increases, one or two have sadly not made it. I'm aware that a couple of people may now be disappointed that their comment didn't get displayed, so here's my comments policy for all to see.

  1. Derogatory comments about religion or faith in general, trolling, ranting, and otherwise wasting my time will not be indulged. Take it to a site where comment is free (but not always worth reading).
  2. Any comments which are racist, sexist, or in any way demeaning to our fellow human beings will not be accepted.
  3. Anything insulting to the blog author will not be published. Exceptions may be made if you are sufficiently witty or I like you enough, but don't push it.
  4. Comments will only be published if they contribute something pertinent to the topic of the post. Anything repetitious, irrelevant, feeble or inane will not make the cut. The definition of the foregoing is the moderator's sole and final decision.
  5. If the decision is borderline, anonymous or unknown commenters are unlikely to get the benefit of the doubt. If you want to be rude, have the courage to identify yourself.
  6. All genuine comments are welcome. You don't have to agree with me, in fact sometimes it's more interesting when you don't.


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