Gratuitous picture of Cheryl Cole to boost flagging circulation

Well, hey, if it works for the Church Times, maybe it'll work for this blog, too?

Some serious posts will follow soon, I promise.


Ray Barnes said…
Doesn't do anything for me Charlie. You do have female readers too.
Charlie said…
Ah well. It was just a bit of a surprise to see her on the front of the CT - they tend to go for serious, worthy subjects or people in clerical robes. I wondered if it marks a change in editorial direction...
Ray Barnes said…
You can "always Hope" I suppose, but perhaps you should read more than the front cover.
Charlie said…
How dare you? I always read the CT from cover to cover, as all good clerics should. Anyway, there's another big picture of her in the middle (I kid you not).
Excellent post Charlie - doesn't do anything for me but then neither does the CT (or CEN)!

Keep up the good work - always enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said…
Didn't know who she was, and have been so busy in ministry I've not had time to read my CT yet. Thanks for pointing out who it is.
Anonymous said…
Considering every single CT reader I've ever known is a subscriber and receives it by post, cover shots aren't particularly likely to make a difference to anything more than the sense of impending doom inherent in those about to open their copy.
David Keen said…
Has she just been told she's going to be made a bishop? That should reverse the attendance trends. For a week or so.

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