nothing important, but I'm still here

I'm taking up blogging for Lent.
For today, I scanned the Church Times for material, but it's Friday evening, so my brain couldn't take in all the weighty matters therein. The only thing I could focus on was a parish advertising for a "50% Priest in Charge".
Say no more. At least they didn't ask for a "Priest 50% in charge".


Ray Barnes said…
What a fascinating thought. What would the other 50% be I wonder? Hmmmm endless possibilities.
Unknown said…
I saw that and thought that it was a blunt statement of how things have become. 50% priest offered for half the cash. The rest I devote to drink drugs and gambling, or something!

Good to see you CP - you've been missed
Bryonny G-H said…
Glad you're still here!
Suem said…
I am glad you are still here too:)
Charlie said…
Thanks all for the supportive comments. Feel the looove..

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