Moving on (personal news)

So the secret's out. Yesterday I had the difficult task of telling everyone here that I am leaving Kea in the summer. Now I'm just about recovering from the euphoric rush of finally divulging something that had been kept hushed up for what seems like ages.

I'll be moving to the Diocese of Portsmouth, to take on the role of Mission Development Officer. You can read the official release here. As you can see from that, I'm enthusiastic about the job. And it was nice to get lots of positive feedback yesterday, in church and on Twitter. But I've already had the first query along the lines of "what on earth is that all about?", something which I expect to be repeated often, including by some of the good people in the parishes of Portsmouth.  I don't underestimate the challenge, but I think it is worth the attempt. Calling is a complex thing, but writing this blog has been part of mine. And I've decided I don't want to become an armchair critic. So here goes.

I'm not sure yet what the future holds for Always Hope. Now all this is settled, I hope to have a bit more time to write. But when I get to Portsmouth things will change. Hopefully the blog will carry on, but it might look a bit different. And a postponed re-design is still on the cards. Watch this space.


Simon said…
Congratulations Charlie, that sounds an exciting challenge which you will enjoy and will clearly use your gifts.
MadPriest said…
Well done, mate. And may God bless your new ministry.
Pam Smith said…
Congratulations Charlie, well done!

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