A serious theological contribution
Only joking. By way of a plug for the marvellous Dave Walker, click here, a link which, it just happens, contains an irreverent cartoon about Calvinism.
Makes you think, though. Calvinism as understood by its modern advocates seems to imply that we are really predestined to go to that particular seminar, to choose that particular path in life, to wear that particular pair of socks today. I can't help feeling that's not really what Calvin had in mind (or Paul, for that matter). It encourages a mindset of "what will be, will be", which doesn't seem very biblical at all to me.
An interesting paradox within Calvinism is the existence of heresies. You can’t claim that everything without exception is foreordained and rendered certain by God for his glory and that certain heresies detract from, diminish, demean God’s glory and rob God of his glory.
In other words, heresies must be foreordained by God? A strange situation in which to find oneself….
And therin lies the crux, namely, they would maintain that they did not choose this way of thinking ;-)